Book Review

 Malory Towers

My favourite book is actually a collection: The Malory Towers books by Enid Blyton.

It's all about Darrell Rivers, her sister Felicity Rivers and her friends, Sally Hope and Susan Blake. They go to a boarding school. In the first six books Alicia, Darrell's friend, does a lot of funny tricks but in the second six books June and Freddie do all the tricks at Malory Towers.

My favourite trick was one June played on one of the French mistresses, where she had an empty pot of vanishing cream (which Amy had been using for her spots). She put the empty pot on Mademoiselle Rougier's desk and hid herself in the store cupboard, so that Mademoiselle Rougier would think that June had vanished. It was very funny.

These books make me laugh and make me wonder what it would be like to go to a boarding school. They are my favourite.

I really liked this book because it was really cool. When I read it I felt like I was watching it right on the spot.

My favourite character is Alice (Jo) because she was disguised as Alice as she was in Malory Towers when she was in second year, but was expelled, so she got another chance at Malory Towers and was the opposite of herself. Not only that I loved all the tricks they played on mamezelle and was quite in in trudged about Alice.


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